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Bardissi Enterprises Blog

Bardissi Enterprises has been serving the Hatfield area since 2000, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

3 Statistics to Help Shape Your Business’ Cybersecurity

3 Statistics to Help Shape Your Business’ Cybersecurity

We know it’s not pleasant to think about your organization succumbing to a cybersecurity attack, but it’s a very realistic event that you have to be prepared for. Let’s take a look at the statistics and how exactly they are not in your business’ favor.

It helps to start with some practical numbers that will make you see that not even small and medium-sized businesses are immune.

61% of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Experienced a Cyberattack Last Year

According to the Verizon 2022 Data Breach Investigations Report, the majority of SMBs experienced a cyberattack last year, and the worst part is that many of them could have been prevented with some proactive measures.

Businesses cannot rely on their size to keep themselves safe. Most cyberattacks are automated, so they aren’t going to discriminate against a small or large business. All they want is a target, and if you let your guard down, then you’re sure to find yourself one.

Eight out of Ten Breaches Feature Human Involvement?

This number also comes from the Verizon DBIR. It’s overwhelmingly likely that the people within your organization will be the most dangerous threat to your organization. In most cases, it’s completely unintentional, too.

Unfortunately, the criminals know and understand that this is the weak point for most businesses. After all, it’s easier to fool a person than a computer, and it’s easier to make a vulnerability than to find a preexisting one. You and the rest of your employees need to understand this important point so you can put together an adequate defense.

The Majority of Businesses Anticipate Being Breached at Some Point, or Already Have Been

90% of cybersecurity professionals in businesses are operating under the assumption that they will or already have become victims of a data breach. While this might seem terribly negative, this mindset leads them to make better decisions regarding cybersecurity. Furthermore, they have a better understanding of what can go wrong with cybersecurity and how to correct it.

The Statistics Don’t Lie, so Keep Yourself from Becoming a Part of Them

Don’t let your business fall victim to cybersecurity threats. To learn more about how we can help your business prevent this, be sure to contact us at (215) 853-2266.



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