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Bardissi Enterprises Blog

Bardissi Enterprises has been serving the Hatfield area since 2000, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

3 Simply Brilliant IT Tips

b2ap3_thumbnail_the_easier_the_better_400.jpgNobody likes it when something is overly complicated, and IT is no different. Keeping your operations simple can reduce the cost of doing business, minimize the error margin, and bring more people into the loop. Your IT infrastructure is the heart that pumps the life blood of your organization, and if you keep it simple, you'll find that most common business issues can be resolved much more quickly and efficiently.

Unfortunately, as time goes on, technology grows more and more complicated. The latest technology is geared toward making things easier for the end user, while the back end can be difficult to work with, even for those who are on the more technical side. Here are three particular circumstances where business technology may be too complicated for its own good.

IT Growing Pains
As time goes on, a business needs to grow or be absorbed by those around it. Even if growth is essential to a business, the problems that arise can be daunting to handle alone. When a business grows, it puts strenuous demands on a business's network. More data is processed and new users need to be added, but ultimately, these problems are a good sign. They show that your company's bottom line is growing.

One of the best ways to avoid these growing pains is to plan for them. Bardissi Enterprises can help with our IT consulting services, as well as formulate a roadmap for future growth. We're professional business people that know how to combine entrepreneurialism with technology to form solutions that can keep your company at the forefront of your industry

Mobility Promotes Complexity
Ironically, the mobile devices that make everyday tasks like email and web browsing easier make things more difficult for IT management. Think about it - for each mobile device that connects to your network, you are giving hackers another access point that could potentially bring down your entire network (if not properly secured). That's not including the possibility that these mobile devices could be stolen and compromised, or taken advantage of by unsecured third-party apps.

When so many devices are being introduced to your network, your business needs to take extra precautions to make sure that these devices are secure. A comprehensive BYOD policy helps keep your company's mobile device requirements consistent and compliant with your security measures. Bardissi Enterprises can help you establish a strong BYOD policy by blacklisting untrusted apps and whitelisting those which can be trusted.

What's the Easiest IT Simplification Method?
It's easy to get lost in the responsibility that a full-blown business can bring, and you may not have time to deal with every IT problem. One of the easiest ways to simplify your IT infrastructure is to outsource it to another company whose sole purpose is to manage your IT. Outsourced IT companies are professional and well-versed in the technology field, and offer money-saving solutions that make your life easier.

By outsourcing your IT needs to Bardissi Enterprises, you'll be sure to avoid the common pitfalls associated with increased strain on your IT infrastructure. We implement remote access software that lets us resolve problems without causing expensive downtime or costly on-site maintenance. Call us at (215) 853-2266 to see what we can do for your business.



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